Books about Cheese

For the dairy industry and the general public - Cheese Books. Cheese Books
Cheese Books
Cheese Books
Cheese Books

Cheese Books

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Stele, J. (1794). An essay on manufacturing milk into butter and cheese; and on calf-feeding, etc. intended for the perusal and benefit of farmers, Glasgow.

Stele, J. (1802). An essay on manufacturing milk into butter and cheese: and on calf-feeding. Edinburgh, [s.n.].

Stepaniak, J. (2003). The ultimate uncheese cookbook. Summertown, Tenn.; [Enfield, Book Publishing: Airlift].

Stevens, P. and U. C. Fuk (1995). The termites in the cheese. [Swansea], Fuk-U Collective/Beaten Generation.

Stevenson Alan, C. and A. Cheeseman Eric (1950). Recent Advances in Social Medicine. With a chapter by Eric A. Cheeseman, etc. London, J. & A. Churchill.

Stevenson, A. C. (1950). Recent advances in social medicine. London, J. & A. Churchill.

Steward and o. m. y. p. Superintendent (1801). A practical treatise on the nature of brewing fine, wholesome, brilliant, and rich high-flavoured welch & scurvy-grass ales, and stong beers.: and the management of wines, cheese, cellars. London, printed for the author, by W. Smith. and sold by Barratt, at Bath; [and 10 others].

Stewart, H. (1888). The dairyman's manual: a practical treatise on the dairy: including the selection of the farm, the cultivation of crops, the selection and breeding of cows, management of the milk, making butter and cheese, and the treatment of diseases incident to dairy cows. New York, Orange Judd.

Stobbs, W. (1984). Guide to cheeses of France. London, Apple.

Stone, H. and C. National Dairy (1975). Churns & cheeses: a short history of milk and cheese. London, National Dairy Council.

Stookey, N. and D. Kniss (1971). Ju Les Ver Negre En Cheese: Ed's Tune.

Street, L. and A. Singer (1972). The backyard dairy book: how to be independent of the system for your milk, cream, butter, cheese & all dairy needs. Bottisham (The Mill Cottage, Swaffham Rd, Bottisham, Cambs.), Whole Earth Tools.

Sun, T. Y., J. R. Blaylock, et al. (1993). An evaluation of fluid milk and cheese advertising. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.

Swallow, K. (1992). Tasty cheese recipes. Wellingborough, Fairfax.

Swaving, A. J. (1923). Collection of Legislative Prescriptions Concerning Cheese. The Hague (Holland), [s.n.].

Swift, J. (1723). Jove's ramble: a tale shewing how the Moon was made of a green cheese. Dublin, printed in Big Ship-street.

Swift, J. and Jupiter (1723). Jove's Ramble: a tale shewing how the moon was made of a green cheese. [In verse. Sometimes ascribed to Jonathan Swift.], Dublin.

Taunton, E. (1846). A remedy for panics: aid in the exchanges to our foreign merchants: a new trade for millions, profitable without risk, or, Cheese parings and candle ends. extracts from the mint returns for 1843 and 1845. a remedy for assassination in Ireland. Birmingham, [England], Printed for the author, and may be had of him.

Taylor, E., M. Burnett, et al. (1769). The lady's, housewife's, and cookmaid's assistant: or, The art of cookery explained and adapted to the meanest capacity: Containing, I. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. II. Of made dishes. III. To make a number of pretty little dishes for a supper or side-dish, and little corner-dishes for a great table. IV. To dress fish. V. Of soups and broths. VI. Of puddings. VII. Of hogs puddings, sausages, &c. VIII. Of pyes. IX To pot and make hams, &c. X. Of pickling. XI. Of making cakes, &c. XII Of cheese-cakes, creams, jellies, whip-syllabubs, &c. XIII. Of made wines, brewing, French bread, muffins, &c. XIV. Jarring cherries, preserves. XV. To dress turtle, and make mock turtle. XVI. To prepare food for sick persons. The whole designed to fit out an entertainment in and elegant manner, and at a small expence. London, Printed for G. Freer, near Temple-Bar.

Taylor, H. (1961). Cheese handbook for hospitals. London, [s.n.].

Taylor, S. (1992). Cheese and chips are related to the moon: a collection of poems. London, Eastside Books.

Teagasc. Dairy Products Research, C. and P. Non-Commissioned Food Research Programme. Dissemination (2001). Cheese, fresh and fermented dairy products: final reports - February 2001. Fermoy, Dairy Products Research Centre.

Teare, W. E. (1932). The Making of Soft & Cream Cheeses, [Douglas].

Tham, W. (1989). Public health aspects of on-farm manufactured cheese: a bacteriological study of goat cheese. Uppsala, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The British, A. (1905). Salisbury, Zimbabwe: members of the British Association in the town of Salisbury.

The British, A. (1905). South Africa: members of the British Association in the Matoppos.

Thear, K. (2003). Cheesemaking and dairying. Saffron Walden, Broad Leys.

Thomas, D. (1884). Market Tables of equal values for Grain, Cattle, Cheese, etc. London, Oswestry [printed], Bartlett & Co.

Thomson, G. S. (1925). Butter and Cheese. A commercial and technical guide, etc. London, C. Lockwood & Son.

Thomson, G. S. (1925). Butter and cheese: A commercial and technical guide to good qualities and defects. London, Crosby Lockwood.

Thomson, G. S. (1925). Grading dairy produce: (milk, cream, butter, cheese). London, The Technical Press, Ltd.

Thomson, G. S., S. Crosby Lockwood and, et al. (1925). Grading dairy produce: (milk, cream, butter, cheese). London, Crosby Lockwood and Son.

Tibballs, G. and S. Trotter (1997). Wallace and Gromit cheese lover's yearbook. [London], [B.B.C. Children's].

Tilbury, W., C. Ryland, et al. (1894). The night we let the gorgonzola loose. London, Francis, Day & Hunter.

Timperley, C. and C. Norman (1989). A gourmet's book of cheese. London, Salamander.

Timperley, C. and C. Norman (1989). The cheese book. London, Salamander Books.

Tisdale Charles William, W. and E. Woodnutt Walter (1919). Practical Cheesemaking, etc. (Revised edition.). London, Headley Bros.

Tisdale Charles William, W. and J. Jones (1920). Butter and Cheese. London, Sir I. Pitman & Sons.

Tisdale Charles William, W. and J. Jones (1930). Butter and Cheese. Second edition, London.

Tisdale Charles William, W. and R. Robinson Theodore (1903). The practice of soft cheesemaking. By C. W. Walker-Tisdale and T. R. Robinson. London, J. North.

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Last Modified: 9 October 2005